Name | Description | |
AdvancedSearch | Overloaded. Gets a list of products matching the advanced search criteria | |
AdvancedSearchCount | Overloaded. Count the number of results for a advanced search. | |
AdvancedSearchCountByManufacturer | Overloaded. Count the number of products by manufacturer within an advanced search. | |
CountAll | Count all items in the database (Inherited from CommerceBuilder.DomainModel.IRepositoryWithTypedId<Product,int>) | |
CountForCategory | Overloaded. Counts the number of products in the given category. | |
CountForCoupon | Counts the number of Product objects associated with the given CouponId | |
CountForCriteria | Count all items matching the criteria (Inherited from CommerceBuilder.DomainModel.IRepositoryWithTypedId<Product,int>) | |
CountForDisplayPage | Counts number of products for display page | |
CountForManufacturer | Counts the number of Product objects for the given ManufacturerId in the database. | |
CountForProductTemplate | Counts the number of Product objects associated with the given ProductTemplateId | |
CountForStore | Counts the number of Product objects for the given StoreId in the database. | |
CountForTaxCode | Counts the number of Product objects for the given TaxCodeId in the database. | |
CountForVendor | Counts the number of Product objects for the given VendorId in the database. | |
CountForVolumeDiscount | Counts the number of Product objects associated with the given VolumeDiscountId | |
CountForWarehouse | Counts the number of Product objects for the given WarehouseId in the database. | |
CountForWrapGroup | Overloaded. Counts the number of Product objects for the given WrapGroupId in the database. | |
Delete | Deletes an item from the database (Inherited from CommerceBuilder.DomainModel.IRepositoryWithTypedId<Product,int>) | |
FindForWrapGroup | Overloaded. Finds the products for given parameters | |
FindForWrapGroupCount | Overloaded. Finds the number of products for given parameters | |
FindProducts | Overloaded. Finds the products for given parameters | |
FindProductsCount | Overloaded. Finds the number of products for given parameters | |
GetFeaturedProducts | Gets featured products | |
GetNewProducts | Gets a list of new products | |
GetPopularProducts | Gets a list of popular products | |
GetProductSpecials | Gets a list of public products with specials | |
GetRandomFeaturedProducts | Gets a random selection of featured products | |
Load | Load item given the primary key (Inherited from CommerceBuilder.DomainModel.IRepositoryWithTypedId<Product,int>) | |
LoadAll | Load all items (Inherited from CommerceBuilder.DomainModel.IRepositoryWithTypedId<Product,int>) | |
LoadForCategory | Overloaded. Loads a collection of products from the given category. | |
LoadForCoupon | Overloaded. Loads a collection of CouponProduct objects for the given couponId | |
LoadForCriteria | Load all items matching the criteria (Inherited from CommerceBuilder.DomainModel.IRepositoryWithTypedId<Product,int>) | |
LoadForDisplayPage | Loads products for display page | |
LoadForManufacturer | Loads a collection of Product objects for the given ManufacturerId from the database | |
LoadForProductTemplate | Overloaded. Loads the Product objects associated with the given ProductTemplateId | |
LoadForStore | Loads a collection of Product objects for the given StoreId from the database | |
LoadForTaxCode | Loads a collection of Product objects for the given TaxCodeId from the database | |
LoadForVendor | Loads a collection of Product objects for the given VendorId from the database | |
LoadForVolumeDiscount | Overloaded. Loads the Product objects associated with the given VolumeDiscountId | |
LoadForWarehouse | Loads a collection of Product objects for the given WarehouseId from the database | |
LoadForWrapGroup | Loads a collection of Product objects for the given WrapGroupId from the database | |
LoadOrphaned | Gets a list of products that are not in any category. | |
LoadShopByFields | Gets a list of ShopBy fields matching the criteria | |
NewProductsCount | Counts the number of new products | |
Save | Saves item to the database (Inherited from CommerceBuilder.DomainModel.IRepositoryWithTypedId<Product,int>) | |
Search | Searches for products that match the keyword. | |
SearchCount | Counts the products that match the search phrase. | |
SearchRelatedProducts | Overloaded. Load products depending upon their cross sell relation | |
SearchRelatedProductsCount | Overloaded. Count the number of related products depending upon their cross sell relation |