Class | Description | |
AbandonedBasketsSummary | Summary data of abandoned baskets | |
AffiliateSalesSummary | Class that holds affiliate sales summary data | |
AnnualSalesData | Provides annual sales raw data. | |
BasketSummary | Provides information about a basket. | |
CouponSummary | Provides information about orders related to a coupon code. | |
IdList | Class that represents a list of integer Ids | |
MatchCriteria | Class representing a matching criteria | |
NewExistingRawData | Provides summary raw data about new and existing customers. | |
NewExistingSalesData | Provides summary information new and existing customers. | |
OrderSearchCriteria | Class representing search criteria for orders | |
OrderSummary | Provides summary information about a specific order. | |
PageView | PageView object for NHibernate mapped table 'ac_PageViews'. PageView object for NHibernate mapped table 'ac_PageViews'. | |
PageViewRepository | This class provides repository functionality for the PageView This class provides repository functionality for the PageView | |
PageViewRepository.BrowserViewWraper | Wraper class to hold browser with its number of views | |
PageViewRepository.CatalogNodeViewWraper | Wraper class to hold catalog node id with its number of views | |
ProductBreakdownSummary | Class that holds summary data about product-breakdown sales. | |
ProductInventoryDataSource | DataSource class for ProductInventory objects | |
ProductInventoryDetail | Wrapper class for ProductInventoryDetail info. | |
ProductSummary | Contains summary sales information about a specific product. | |
PurchaseSummary | Contains sales information about a specific product purchase. | |
PurchaseTotalSummary | Contains summary sales information covering a range of orders. | |
ReferrerSalesSummary | Contains summary sales information for a range of orders delivered from a specific HTTP referrer. | |
ReportDataSource | DataSource class for various reporting tasks | |
ReportDataSource.AbandonedBasketWraper | Wraper class to hold abandoned basket data over given time period. | |
ReportDataSource.ProductCouponDiscountTotalWrapper | Wrapper class coupon and discount totals for product | |
ReportDataSource.ProductInfoWrapper | Wrapper class for basic product information. | |
ReportDataSource.SalesOverTimeWraper | Wraper class to hold sales data over given time period. | |
ReportDataSource.SalesWraper | Wraper class to hold sales data for reporting purpose. | |
SalesByCountrySummary | Wrapper class for basic country information. | |
SalesByProvinceSummary | Wrapper class for basic province information. | |
SalesSummary | Contains summary sales information for a range of orders by date. | |
SearchTermsSummary | Contains summary information about popular search terms. | |
TaxReportDataSource | Datasource class for generating tax reports | |
TaxReportDataSource.DistinctNameAndLineMessage | Wraper class to hold unique tax order items name and line message. | |
TaxReportDetailItem | Contains detail data for a tax report | |
TaxReportSummaryItem | Contains summary data for a tax report | |
UserSummary | Contains summary sales information for a specific user. |